Jodo杖道- Shintou Musou-Ryu神道夢想流- Aizu会津

Martial Art Type:
Jodo (as well as tonfa, kusarigama, bo, bokutou, etc.)
Shintou Musou-Ryu

Practice Days/ times:
Monday/Thursday: 7:15pm-9:15pm (Bange)
Wednesday: 7:00pm-8:30pm (Yanaizu)
**Saturday: 4pm-6pm (Ishikawa, special training with the grandmaster)

Dojo Name:
Mondays/Thurdays: Kanagami Elementary school gymnasium (かながみ) 金上 (Bange)
Wednesdays: Yanaizu Fureaikan (Yanaizu)

Bange: Fukugawara-913 Fukuhara, Aizubange-machi, Kawanuma-gun, Fukushima-ken 969-6527
Yanaizu: 969-7201 Fukushima Prefecture, Kawanuma District, Yanaizu, Kanayazawa−1795

Head Instructor (Bange/ Yanaizu):
Tanaka Sensei (4th dan Jodo, 5th dan Iaido, 4th dan Kyokushin Karate, and others)

Contact Information:
show up and ask to join at either location
or post a message here

There are seminars once every couple of months.

The instructor is top notch and it is reflected in his students.  The ages range from 4-5 years old to people in their 60s or so. He is a very kind, older gentleman and is open to discussing reasons for techniques and additional applications. He is also aware of other styles and how they differ, so don`t worry if you have never trained in these styles, or have other martial arts experience.


How to Advance as a Martial Artist (3)


Part 3 of the How to Advance as a Martial Artist:

Be open minded

Try new styles. As you learn a Continue reading “How to Advance as a Martial Artist (3)”

How to Advance as a Martial Artist (2)

enzouji-in-fallPart 2 of the How to Advance as a Martial Artist:

Record yourself, and study your own movements

Continue reading “How to Advance as a Martial Artist (2)”

How to Advance as a Martial Artist (1)

A friend of mine recently asked “How can I become a better martial artist?” That’s a pretty general question, so I said  Continue reading “How to Advance as a Martial Artist (1)”

Iaido居合道 – Mugairyu無外流: Yanaizu/AizuBange


Photo credit:–9–tim-nichols.html

Martial Art Type:


Practice Days/ times:
Monday/Thursday: 7:15pm-9:15pm (Bange)
Wednesday: 7:00pm-8:30pm (Yanaizu)
**Saturday: 4pm-6pm (Ishikawa, special training with the grandmaster)

Dojo Name:
Mondays/Thurdays: Kanagami Elementary school gymnasium (かながみ) 金上 (Bange)
Wednesdays: Yanaizu Fureaikan (Yanaizu)

Bange: Fukugawara-913 Fukuhara, Aizubange-machi, Kawanuma-gun, Fukushima-ken 969-6527
Yanaizu: 969-7201 Fukushima Prefecture, Kawanuma District, Yanaizu, Kanayazawa−1795

Head Instructor (Bange/ Yanaizu):
Tanaka Sensei (5th dan Iaido, 4th dan Kyokushin Karate, and others)

Contact Information:
show up and ask to join at either location
or post a message here

The instructor is top notch and it is reflected in his students.  The ages range from 4-5 years old to people in their 60s or so. He is a very kind, older gentleman and is open to discussing reasons for techniques and additional applications. He is also aware of other styles and how they differ, so don`t worry if you have never trained in these styles, or have other martial arts experience.
Many of the students are national champions in Iaido competitions as well as Karate for forms and sparring.

総合格闘技MMA/jiu jitsu-沖縄 Okinawa

Martial Art Type:
総合格闘技 (主に柔術・グラップリング)
MMA, Mainly jiu-grappling

「赤嶺スタイル」 つまり、先生の独特の総合格闘技スタイル
“Akamine style” In other words, a unique mixed martial arts style of the teacher

Practice Days/ times:
月~金 (午後5時から9時まで) 土 (午後3時から8時まで) 日 (休)
Monday to Friday (afternoon from 5:00 to 9:00) Saturday (from 3 pm to 8 pm) Date (holiday)

Dojo Name:
AGFA (赤嶺・グラウンド・ファイティンぐ・アカデミー)
AGFA (Akamine Ground Fighting Academy)

Address: 沖縄県浦添市安波茶1-31-6 宮里ビル105号室

Head Instructor:
赤嶺良治 (あかみね よしはる)
Yoshiharu Akamine

Contact Information:

来沖したばっかりの時、ボクシング・ジムを探していた。ネットで「ボクシング」を検索すると、役に立つ情報が中々出なかったが、一つのかなり良さそうなキックボクシング道場が見つかり、「いつか様子を見に行こう」と思っていた。しかし、その道場は40分で離れている那覇市にあったため、実際に行くやる気が全然なかった。 数日後、アパートの周辺で彼女と散歩しながら、見たことない建物の中で人々が立ち技を練習する様子を目にした。その時、すぐ入るのは失礼だと思い、遠くからしばらく観察しただけ。その翌日、初めてAGFAを訪れ、赤嶺良治先生に会った。ボクシングだけじゃなく、キックボクシング・ムエタイ・柔術等を教えると説明された。赤嶺先生の明朗快活な性格や武道への哲学にはまっちゃって、一ヶ月の月謝を支払った。 その日から7か月経っている。練習で怪我したこともあったが、一回も後悔したことはない。柔術の黒帯を持っている赤嶺先生から、毎日学ぶ。真剣にトレーニングをやる環境の中に、「楽しい時間を過ごそう」という考え方が染み渡る。毎日、ストレス無で楽しいトレーニングが出来て本当に良かった。いつか沖縄を出る日が来たら、一番悲しいのはAGFA、そしてAGFAでつくった友達から離れることだ。


okinawa mma gym

Yoga – AizuWakamatsu

Activity name:Yoga

Style: Beginner yoga

Practice Days/ times:  Monday’s & Friday’s 19:15-21:00

Building Name:  ふれあい体育館

Address: 会津若松市一箕町八幡字八幡2-1

Head Instructor:  Natalie Aida

Contact Information:  070-6951-0940

**Canceled**Zumba – Aizuwakamatsu

Martial Art Type or Cultural Art Name:  
      Belly Dance
Practice Days/ times:        Thursdays from 8:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Studio Name:          Aizu Keikodo 会津稽古堂 (1st floor dance studio)
Address: 3-50 Sakaemachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture 965-0871
Head Instructor:  Laurie Burrow
Contact Information: or on FaceBook: Laurie’s Belly Dance
This is a beginning belly dance class. We practice a variety of basic belly dance movements and choreographies. There are occasional performance opportunities available for those who are interested and have been learning for a while. Everyone is encouraged to listen to their own bodies and go at their own pace. Modifications are included for those with certain health concerns. We practice barefoot and in comfortable exercise clothing. Hip scarfs are encouraged, but not required. Students are occasionally asked to purchase props such as canes, veils, etc… if they want to learn the choreographies that feature those items, but practicing without these props is an option.

Judo – AizuWakamatsu

Martial Art Type or Cultural Art Name=> Judo
Style => Club Judo
Practice Days/ times => Wednesday & Fridays 7pm-9pm
Dojo Name => あいづ総合体育館
Address => あいづ総合体育館 〒965-0826 Fukushima-ken, Aizuwakamatsu-shi, Mondenmachi Ōaza Oyama, Murakami
Head Instructor =>
Email =>
Contact Information => Stop in to check it out.
Comments =>

Club judo consisting of mainly junior high school and elementary school students. However, many of their parents train as well.

Some Japanese ability is recommended, however everyone is friendly enough regardless.


Taekwondo – Yanaizu – WTF TKD

Type: Taekwondo
Style: World Taekwondo Federation
Practice Days: Wednesdays 7-8:30pm
Dojo: Aizu Yanaizu B&G Budokan ( 柳津町役場柳津町運動公園管理棟)
Address:  Kanayazawa-1795 Yanaizu, Kawanuma District, Fukushima Prefecture 969-7201
Head instructor: Ryan Yonaitis (Japanese: Moderate, English: Native)
